Job Card Management

Do you have control over your Jobs and Job related items such as Stock Issues and Purchase Orders?

Having a paper based Job Card system can be cumbersome, especially when it comes to quoting and invoicing. Searching through large piles of paperwork to find a specific Job Card can just be as stressful.
This is where a Job Card Management System becomes useful in maintaining total control over your Jobs, whether it is still Work In Progress or already Completed Jobs.

A comprehensive Job Card Management System gives you complete control over:
Stock issued to or returned from a Job Card
Labour and Travel Time related to Jobs
Purchase Orders linked to a Job

This will enable you to keep track of all costs related to a Job to gauge the accuracy of your quoted prices. This information is then again used in future quotes on a similar Job to enable you to achieve the maximum profit margins.

The Job Card Management system should also easily provide you with information about which Jobs are complete and available for invoicing. This will ensure that all Jobs are invoiced on time. It should also provide you with a list of Jobs that have been closed.

Using a Job Card Management system allows you to streamline your business and do more work with less effort in a shorter time.